0.36.0 - November 2024

This update introduces an extra layer between config files and parsers called DirectoryScanner. It helps to support the following improvements related to treatment of config files:

  • Both file extensions .yml and .yaml are now supported.

  • It is now possible to detect and emit warnings for unused config files using CLI option --show-unused-files. This feature is OFF by default.

  • Repeated grep() calls were removed from parsers. Now all config files are scanned only once per run, and results are re-used by parsers. It should improve performance while working with very large configs.

Technical changes in parsers

This section applies only if you implemented your own custom parsers.

  1. Direct .iterdir calls should be replaced with wrappers .get_database_names() and .get_schema_names_in_database(database_name). These wrappers automatically normalise names to upper-case and ignore technical directory names starting with double udnerscore (e.g. __custom).

  2. parse_single_file() calls how accept string config_key instead of path config file. Config key does not have file extension. For example, replace business_role.yaml with business_role. Replace db1/sc1/params.yaml with db1/sc1/params.

  3. Following string properties of ParsedFiles are now upper-cased automatically: database, schema, name. It may have some impact on formatting of error messages. Property path is unchanged.

Last updated